Tag: Members-only

Articles + Resources

Diamond Aircraft Ownership in the US (2024)

The DPA Survey Team downloaded and analyzed the FAA registration database in preparation for our Diamond Pilots Association annual Diamond Aircraft Owners Survey. Our primary

DPA @ Diamond Fest 2024

Diamond Fest Fly-In: Twelve Diamond Owners joined Diamond and DPA at CYXU: Ed McDonald, Scott Ramsey, Paul Koch, David Loftus, Mike Meadows, Ryan Mayo, Mitch Semel,

Articles + Resources

Emergency Battery System

Rich Doyle, September 2023 In all all the IFR-rated Diamonds there is a limited-duration Emergency Battery System which, when activated, provides battery power to the

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Important Note on Bose A30 in Diamonds

Rich Doyle, August 2023 Using Bose A30 LEMO 6-pin panel power headsets without batteries installed in a Diamond (of any model) can result in the

Articles + Resources

Nuances of the DA40 Electrical Buses

The health of the DA40 main battery is not just critical to be able to start its engine as a precursor to committing flight, but a critical line of defense against alternator failure in flight. Departing with the battery in questionable condition, including just being somewhat undercharged, is a true risk factor, particularly at night or IFR.

Articles + Resources

Jet-A Fuel Programs & Discounts

One of the advantages of flying a Diamond aircraft powered by a compression ignition engine (Austro or Continental) is the opportunity to participate in Jet-A fuel programs. While these programs are typically intended to serve turbine-powered aircraft, diesel Diamond aircraft are also eligible to participate.