Diamond Pilots Association Launches 2024 Diamond Aircraft Owner Survey
Monday, November 11, 2024 The Diamond Pilots Association (DPA), a volunteer organization of Diamond Aircraft pilots and owners, is surveying private and fleet owners about
Monday, November 11, 2024 The Diamond Pilots Association (DPA), a volunteer organization of Diamond Aircraft pilots and owners, is surveying private and fleet owners about
TL: DR The Hartzell Polaris propeller is an excellent option for Diamond owners configuring a new airplane and owners who want to replace their original
The DPA Survey Team downloaded and analyzed the FAA registration database in preparation for our Diamond Pilots Association annual Diamond Aircraft Owners Survey. Our primary
Diamond Fest Fly-In: Twelve Diamond Owners joined Diamond and DPA at CYXU: Ed McDonald, Scott Ramsey, Paul Koch, David Loftus, Mike Meadows, Ryan Mayo, Mitch Semel,
Members of the DPA Steering Committee met with Diamond Aircraft on Wednesday, July 24 during AirVenture at Oshkosh.
Feb 23, 2024 – The Diamond Pilots Association (DPA) is excited to announce the release of our 2023 Annual Owner Survey results! We received over
The Diamond Pilots Association is launching our survey of Diamond Aircraft owners this week. DPA Members are getting early access to the survey and are
by Rich Doyle, October 2023 In January, 2021 I chose to upgrade my panel to an Aspen EFD1000 E5. The modification replaces the original attitude
Rich Doyle, September 2023 In all all the IFR-rated Diamonds there is a limited-duration Emergency Battery System which, when activated, provides battery power to the
Rich Doyle, August 2023 Using Bose A30 LEMO 6-pin panel power headsets without batteries installed in a Diamond (of any model) can result in the
The health of the DA40 main battery is not just critical to be able to start its engine as a precursor to committing flight, but a critical line of defense against alternator failure in flight. Departing with the battery in questionable condition, including just being somewhat undercharged, is a true risk factor, particularly at night or IFR.
Please join your Diamond Pilots Association (DPA) for our 2nd Annual fly-in to the birthplace of many of our aircraft at the Diamond Aircraft Industries
Looking back on our Inaugural Year and into the next! The Diamond Pilot’s Association (DPA) is up and running! Through the
Feb 23, 2024 – The Diamond Pilots Association (DPA) is excited to announce the release of our 2023 Annual Owner Survey results! We received over
DPA is a non-profit society with a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of owners, operators and enthusiasts. DPA has established a formal relationship with Diamond Aircraft Industries to provide official information regarding the fleet of Diamond aircraft.